7 Benefits of Serverless Computing

In a previous article, we emphasized the importance of investing in the right website development tech to grow your business or organization, and this includes cloud computing platforms. Serverless computing uses cloud-based infrastructure to reduce much of the usual labor involved in running information technology, making it one of the most beneficial paradigms in use today.

So with that in mind, here are seven serverless computing benefits you should be aware of:

1. Minimized Server Management

Its most sought-after benefit, perhaps, is that there is minimal server management involved. Traditionally, server management involves running hardware and software monitoring, maintaining system memory, inputting data, backing up systems, and others. Although serverless computing still takes place on servers, developers no longer need to deal with most of the aforementioned tasks. This significantly frees up time and resources, allowing professionals to expand applications as they please.

2. Reduced Costs

Because serverless computing is enabled by a vendor that provides backend services, it’s very much similar to a ‘pay-as-you-go’ plan. Many developers hail serverless computing as cost-effective when used correctly because expenses scale very closely with usage. On average, up to 45% of cloud spend is often wasted, often because businesses invest in infrastructure that ends up sitting idly. On the flip side, serverless computing platforms only charge developers for what they use.

3. Better Scalability

In line with reducing costs, serverless architecture allows users to scale up and down relatively easily. This is also accomplished seamlessly with minimal work done on your part. So if your consumer base suddenly grows, the serverless infrastructure will scale automatically, whereas traditionally structured applications with a fixed range of server space will most likely be overwhelmed by sudden increases in usage. This advantage is also often called elastic scalability.

4. Easier Updates

Serverless infrastructures save developers time because it also eliminates the need to upload code to servers or tinker with backend configuration whenever they need to deploy a working version of an application. They can choose to do so at their own pace; upload code all at once or one function at a time, and the application will stay up and running. This is made possible due to the fact that the application is made into a collection of functions handled by the vendor. This also allows for quick and easy updates, patches, and fixes.

5. Improved Security

Although developments in the cloud have proven to be advantageous in many different ways, it still comes with many security and operational risks. According to statistics, a majority of organizations have suffered at least one cybersecurity incident in the last 12 months. Serverless computing allows developers to improve data and application security. Most providers are also responsible for securing cloud components and reducing worries about vulnerable operating systems and compromised servers. So companies should give importance to their cybersecurity precautionary measures.

6. Decreased Latency

Latency refers to the delay between an action and a web application’s response to that action. Code for serverless computing can be run from anywhere, which makes it easier to run application functions on servers closer to the end user. In turn, this reduces the overall latency because requests do not have to travel all the way to an origin server. It’s estimated that access latency in serverless computing is around 14 times faster than in traditional setups.

7. Versatile Use

With all these benefits, the serverless architecture market size is predicted to be worth over $36.84 billion globally by 2028. This is also thanks to its versatility, as it can be used for an extensive range of applications such as multimedia and stream processing, database changes and batch jobs, chatbots and IoT, regular web apps and mobile workloads, as well as business-level microservice tasks. It’s also foreseen to be even more adopted across almost all industries.


Overall, serverless computing is a step up from traditional cloud-based or server-centric infrastructure. It grants developers numerous advantages such as better scalability, reduced costs, improved security, and more flexibility over their work, in general. This allows users to put more of their time and resources into innovating their applications and expanding their enterprises. Serverless computing has its limitations and is not a be-all and end-all solution. However, it remains to be the most reliable evolution in infrastructure management.