Guide to Block a Website on Chrome for Desktop/Android/iOS

In today’s digital age, the internet is a vast realm filled with knowledge and entertainment. However, it can also be a double-edged sword, leading to distractions and wasted time. Picture this scenario: you’re working on an important project, but your favorite social media website keeps beckoning you, pulling you away from your tasks. This is where website blocking can be a lifesaver, allowing you to regain focus and productivity.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to block a website on Chrome for desktop, Android, and iOS. We’ll delve into the reasons you might want to block a website, the potential issues you might encounter, common error codes, and step-by-step instructions for each platform. So, let’s get started on the path to a more productive online experience.

Understanding the Need to Block Websites:

There are several compelling reasons to block websites:

  • Productivity Boost: Blocking distracting websites can help you stay focused on your work or study tasks.
  • Parental Control: Parents can use website blocking to protect their children from accessing inappropriate content.
  • Security: Blocking potentially harmful websites can prevent malware and phishing attacks.
  • Breaking Habits: If you’re trying to break an online addiction, blocking access to certain websites can be a helpful step.

Possible Issues During the Process:

Before diving into the specifics of website blocking, it’s important to be aware of potential issues:

Incorrect URL: Make sure you’ve entered the correct URL. A minor typo can lead to blocking the wrong site.

Extensions Conflict: If you have multiple Chrome extensions installed, they might interfere with each other, causing issues.

Network Settings: In some cases, your network administrator may have imposed website restrictions that override your personal settings.

Device Compatibility: Some methods may not work on all devices or may require additional software installations.

Common Error Codes with Examples:

Error 404 – Page Not Found: This error occurs when the URL you entered doesn’t exist. For example, trying to block “” when the actual site is “”

Error 403 – Forbidden: This error indicates that you lack permission to access the website. An example would be attempting to block a website you don’t have access to, like a secure banking portal.

Blocking Websites on Chrome for Desktop:

There are multiple ways to block websites on Chrome for desktop:

Using Chrome Extensions: Install a website blocking extension like “Block Site” or “StayFocusd.” Configure the extension settings to block specific sites.

Editing Hosts File: For advanced users, you can edit the hosts file on your computer to block websites. However, this method requires some technical knowledge.

Blocking Websites on Chrome for Android:

Blocking websites on Chrome for Android is relatively straightforward:

Using a Mobile Security App: Many mobile security apps like Norton, Kaspersky, or Bitdefender offer website blocking features. Install one of these apps, navigate to the website blocking section, and add the sites you want to block.

Blocking Websites on Chrome for iOS:

Unfortunately, iOS is more restrictive when it comes to blocking websites on Chrome. The most effective way is to use the built-in Screen Time feature:

Using Screen Time: Go to “Settings” > “Screen Time” > “Content & Privacy Restrictions” > “Content Restrictions” > “Web Content.” Here, you can add websites to the “Never Allow” list.


Blocking websites on Chrome for desktop, Android, and iOS can be a valuable tool for improving productivity, enhancing security, or maintaining control over your online experience. By understanding the reasons to block websites, being aware of potential issues, and following the steps provided for each platform, you can take control of your digital life and make it more purposeful and secure.


Q1. Can I block websites on Chrome without using extensions?

A1. Yes, you can edit the hosts file on your computer to block websites on Chrome without extensions, but it requires technical expertise.

Q2. Will website blocking affect other browsers on my device?

A2. No, website blocking settings are specific to the browser you configure. Blocking a website on Chrome won’t affect other browsers like Firefox or Safari.

Q3. Are there any free website blocking extensions available?

A3. Yes, many website blocking extensions for Chrome are free, with the option to upgrade to premium versions for additional features.

Q4. Can I schedule website blocking for specific times?

A4. Some website blocking extensions allow you to schedule when certain websites should be blocked, helping you stick to a routine.