Tips to Solve potential Windows update database error detected not fixed problem

Many users have reported about potential Windows update database error detected not fixed issue that annoys Windows users when they access Windows update and try to check for updates. This error message may also occur while doing other tasks related to Windows updating. Users also claimed that this issue mostly occurs while using Win 10 OS. As long as they were using earlier versions of the Windows, they had no such issues. But, the moment they upgraded their OS to the latest one, they suddenly started to deal with various hazardous problems including this one.

Causes Behind This Bothersome Problem:

Well, it is not quite sure what is the proper reason behind the occurrence of this irritating problem. However, experts believe there might be various one such as malicious software or application, corrupt Windows registries, malware or virus and so on. A hazardous parasite silently infiltrates your computer by stealth and conducts a series of malevolent acts inside. It messes with vital system files which assure efficient PC processing and prevents many installed apps as well as drivers from working normally. It keeps executing evil acts inside all the time and causes too many perilous issues in the machine including potential Windows update database error detected not fixed.

How To Get Rid Of This Issue?

If you are one of those users who are dealing with this bothersome threat and looking for a proper solution, you are on the right place at the moment. We have provided some effective methods that you have to apply one at a time and then see if the issue still exists.

Solution 1- Run SFC and DISM tools

Running SFC and DISM tools might help you in getting rid of the problem and to do this, just follow the below steps:

  • Tap on ‘Windows’ key + ‘X’ at the same time and pick ‘Command Prompt (Admin)’.
  • Type ‘sfc /scannow’ command and hit the ‘Enter’ button.

  • Copy-paste the following commands and press ‘Enter’ after each of them.

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth 
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

  • Close Command Prompt and restart the PC.
  • Check for the solution.

Solution 2- Use Command Prompt

Try to solve potential Windows update database error detected not fixed problem by using Command prompt and for this, follow the below steps:

  • To do this, firstly right-click on the ‘Windows’ key and choose ‘Command Prompt (Admin)’.
  • Copy-paste the following commands and hit the ‘Enter’ button after each of them.

net stop wuauserv

net stop cryptSvc

net stop bits

net stop msiserver

Ren C:\\Windows\\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

Ren C:\\Windows\\System32\\catroot2 Catroot2.old

net start wuauserv

net start cryptSvc

net start bits

net start msiserver

  • See if the problem still occurs.

Solution 3- Run the Troubleshooter

You may need to run the troubleshooter to get rid of the problem so to do this, just follow the below steps:

  • Go to the ‘Control Panel’.
  • Click on the ‘Troubleshooting’ feature.

  • Now, click on the ‘View All’ button on the left side of the screen.

  • You will see several options now. Here, choose ‘Windows updates’.

  • After that, click on ‘Next’ in the lower side of the Window.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the Windows updates troubleshooter.
  • Once the process completes, restart the PC and check for the solution.

Solution 4- Enable system restore.

Many users have claimed that they got rid of the potential Windows update database error detected not fixed problem by simply restoring the PC to an earlier date. You can also do that by following the below steps:

  • Click on the ‘Start’ button and type in ‘Recovery’.
  • Again click on the result to open the ‘Recovery’ option.
  • Tap on ‘Open System Restore’.
  • Click on ‘Next’ in the newly appeared Window.
  • From the list, select the restore point and tap on ‘Next’.
  • Now, go through the on-screen instructions to complete the System Restore.

  • Once done, see if the problem still exists.

Solution 5- Remove folders that are supposedly causing the problem

  • Locate ‘C:\\Windows\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download’ folder and erase all the contents that is inside it.
  • Now, search for ‘C:\\Windows\\SoftwareDistribution’ and open it.
  • Find the ‘old’ file and remove it.
  • Check for the solution.

Read alsoFix DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (netio.sys) Issue

Solution 6- Perform a system scan

As we have already mentioned, the potential Windows update database error detected not fixed issue might occur due to the presence of malware or virus in the infected PC. So, you need to scan the complete device to remove all the perilous infections from the work-station. You can do this both manually as well as automatically. The “Manual” process requires much attention and you need to be highly skilled in computer or technology. So, we strongly recommend using “Automatic” procedure and for this purpose, you can use Reimage anti-malware software.

Is Your PC Behaving Abnormal & Needs Instant Optimzation?

We recommend you to choose Advanced System Repair Suite which is dedicated to offer complete options to optimize a PC, fix any Windows error, and remove malware threats in easy. The software is award winning and suggested as the best malware fix application supporting all Windows versions including XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Just 3 steps to avail error free PC.


  1. Download Advanced System Repair and install on your PC. (Follow all on screen instructions when installer is executed)
  2. Click “Scan Your PC” button to scan all present issues, errors, junk files, and malware threats.
  3. Finally, click “Start Repair” to fix all detected problems in next few minutes.

Hopefully, one of these steps helped you in getting rid of “potential Windows update database error detected not fixed” issue. If you really liked the article or you have any other solution to get rid of the problem, just let us know. Write us on the comment section if you have any question or query.