Halo Infinite save corrupted (fix, location and download)

We all are very much aware with the newly launched game Halo Infinite. The game is getting popular not only because of its interesting and engaging gameplay but also for the bugs. But hats off to the millions of users who are still eager to play the games by resolving it’s so called bugs. In this particular write-up we will discuss one of the bug that is really nerve wrecking “Halo Infinite save corrupted” bug and that eventually leads to Halo Infinite save replay issue.

Unlike the other malfunctioning, the Halo Infinite Save Corruption Bug is completely different and let me tell you the bug has a capability to corrupt the save files and abolish the entire campaign files. In order to elaborate, suppose a player has reached to a specific level of the game by investing their time and hard work. And after reopening the game after closing it all the files gets erased due to which the player needs to start the game from the scratch. It’s a big loss for the gamers. But that’s not all, the bug can also corrupt the gamer’s profile due to which one can’t log into the multiplayer modes.

After going through the forums we have also concluded that the Halo Infinite save corrupted issue is not only faced by the PC Gamers but the Xbox Users are also the victim of the above issue. After investing a lot about the bug we concluded that the one of the major reason to lead the above situation is more than one detected controllers or disconnecting & reconnecting the controller or if the KMB & the controller are used simultaneously.

But thankfully the above bug can be easily fixed and if you are the one who has been suffering from the above problem then you can check out the Halo Infinite save corruption fix

Tips to prevent the Halo Infinite save corrupted issue.

You will be prompted with a box after you login and the box will ask you to login into your Xbox account. Kindly don’t press the Green “Let’s Go” button. This will corrupt your file in seconds. If the “Let’s Go” button has been clicked by you, our machine will take it as a second login and it doesn’t matters if you are logged in and it will eventually corrupt all your file.

Keep in mind even if you have successfully load a save file still you will be ended with the above issue and you cannot recover the corrupted file.

The one and only method to prevent yourself from the bug is ensure that when you are prompted with the box “Let’s Go.” Simply close the game completely and wait for few seconds and then try to re-launch it.  Several users have claim success after applying this, and it may also works for you. You do not have any other option you can only prevent the issue from occurring.

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Halo Infinite save file location for Microsoft Store

If you have purchased the game from MS Store then the location of the save file is mentioned below you can copy & paste he below mention path in your system’s URL bar:


Halo Infinite save file location for Steam

Follow the below mention instructions to locate the Halo Infinite save file if you have purchased the game from Steam store:

Copy the save files to: “<Steam-folder>\userdata\<user-id>\1708091\remote\”


Default Game folder location of steam is mentioned below:

C:\Program Files\Steam\


Remember: Change the “User-id” with your personal ID in the address bar.

Sakshi Anant Author