How to Install Oracle Linux on Hyper-V [Steps]

Tips to Install Oracle Linux on Hyper-V VM (Virtual Machine) in Windows PC:

In this post, we are going to discuss on How to Install Oracle Linux on Hyper-V Virtual Machine. You will be guided with easy steps/methods to do so. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘Hyper-V’: Hyper-V or Microsoft Hyper-V is native Hypervisor and it can create virtual machines on x86-64 system running Microsoft Windows OS. Starting with Windows 8, Hyper-V superseded Windows Virtual PC as the hardware virtualization component of the client editions of Windows NT. A Server computer running Hyper-V can be configured to expose individual virtual machines to one or more networks.

‘Oracle Linux’: Oracle Linux (formerly known as Oracle Enterprise Linux or OEL) is Linux distribution packaged and freely distributed by Oracle, available partially under the GNU (General Public License). It is compiled from RED Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) source code, replacing RED Hat branding with Oracles’s. You can freely download Oracle Linux through Oracle’s E-delivery service or from the varieties of minor sites, and can deploy and distribute it without cost.

Install Oracle Linux on Hyper-V Virtual Machines (VMs):

Hyper-V server plays an important role in Windows Server offers you to create a virtualized server computing environment, where you can create and manage virtual machines. Using this feature/option, you can install and run multiple operating systems on One-physical system and isolate the operating system from each other. For example, you can install and run Oracle Linux on Hyper-V Virtual Machine.

Common reasons that might force you install Oracle Linux on Hyper-V VMs:

The popularity of Linux is growing and this operating system is time-tested. There could be several reasons that might force you to install this OS Hyper-V including a new Linux version has recently been released and you want to test this version before installing on physical servers, you want to run containers, testing multi-platform software or software that provides similar functionality, licensing, Linux requires fewer hardware resources than Windows, Linux shell such as bash is important for automating tasks and you want to learn Linux and migrate from Windows to Linux.

Preparation before installing Oracle Linux on Hyper-V:

You need an .ISO file for the operating system that would like to deploy. The Linux .ISO file can be downloaded from ‘Oracle E-Delivery’ site or ‘’ page using your Oracle username and password. Also, you will use this virtual machine for installing grid infrastructure and 11g Database.

VM (Virtual Machine) Setup:

  • 60 GB Hard Disk
  • Set the base memory to at least 6 GB
  • Set the hostname to ol6.localdomain
  • Mount Point Space Distribution/ – 20 GB, Swap – 6.3 GB, /u01 – 30 GB, /home – 2 GB.

Step 1: Select ‘Hyper-V Manager’ in Windows PC/ from Server Manager and go to ‘Tools > Hyper-V Manager’

Step 2: Virtual Machine settings will be appeared under ‘Hyper-V Manager settings’ once you select a machine, click ‘Hyper-V settings’

Step 3: Select a virtual hard disks and provide the default path for the virtual hard disk files here, click ‘Virtual machines’ and provide the default path for virtual machine here, and then hit ‘Apply > Ok’

Step 4: Now, click ‘Virtual Switch Manager’ in Hyper-V Manager settings to set up network for Virtual Environment

Step 5: Before you create a VM in Hyper-V, you may want to provide a way for this virtual machine to connect to physical network. Each virtual switch created in Hyper-V can be configured with one of three connection types including External network, internal network and private network. Here, you will create external virtual network card to connect to physical network card of your host machine. Select ‘External‘ and click ‘Create Virtual Switch’

Step 6: Enter the name for virtual switch, select External Network option, select the Host Machine network card from dropdown and then hit ‘Apply > Ok’ to save the changes

Step 7: Now, your Virtual Environment is ready to create the first VM. In Hyper-V Manager, click ‘Action > New > Virtual Machine’ to bring up the ‘New Virtual Machine Wizard’

Step 8: Click ‘Next’, enter the name for your VM, check the checkboxes and choose a location where the virtual machine files will be stored and then click ‘Next’

Step 9: Select a generation for the machine like Generation 2 virtual machines that were introduced with Windows Server 2012 R2 and provide a simplified virtual hardware model and some additional functionality, and then hit ‘Next’

Step 10: Select ‘6144 MB’ for Startup Memory value and leave the ‘Use Dynamic Memory’ selected, and then hit ‘Next’

Step 11: On configure networking wizard, select virtual switch for the virtual machine and hit ‘Next’, give the virtual hard drive a name, select a location and family specify the size as 60GB, and then hit ‘Next’

Step 12: Select ‘Install an operating system from bootable image file’ option in Installation Options Wizard, select an operating system .iso file. And then hit ‘Next’

Step 13: Review the VM details and click ‘Finish’ to complete the VM creation. This will show up in VM section of Hyper-V Manager in your computer.

Step 14: Now, you need to change boot order and unselect the secure boot. To do so, you need to select VM and click ‘Settings’

Step 15: Deselect ‘Enable Secure Boot’ and make sure DVD Drive is first boot option, click on Integration Services and Enable Guest Services and then hit ‘ok’ button

Step 16: You need to start VM and walk through the OS installation.

How to Install Oracle Linux on Hyper-V Virtual Machine?

Once you have create a Virtual Machine in Hyper-V, now you can follow the steps below to install Oracle Linux on Hyper-V VM in your computer.

Step 1:  In Hyper-V Manager, double-click on the VM (Virtual Machine) you created using above method. This launches the VMConnect Tool.

Step 2: Click ‘Green Start’ button, you may be promoted to ‘press any key to boot from CD/DVD’, go ahead and do so. click inside the VMConnect window to ensure that your keystokes are sent to VM.

Step 3: The VM boots into setup and you can walk through installation like you would on physical computer. You can skip media testing and hit ‘Next’, select ‘English’ language and hit ‘Next’, select ‘US English Keyboard’ and hit ‘Next’

Step 4: Choose ‘Basic Storage Devices’ and hit ‘Next’, choose ‘Yes Discard any data’ and hit ‘next’

Step 5: Provide a fully qualified hostname for computer and hit ‘Next’, choose time zone and proceed, give root password and hit ‘next’

Step 6: Choose use all space, select ‘Review and modify partitioning layout’ and hit ‘next’

Step 7: Edit partitioning layout, select Volume group and click ‘Edit’, select the root mount point and click ‘Edit’

Step 8: Enter the size of Mount point in MB, set the size as 20480MB for root and hit ‘ok’

Step 9: Select ‘Iv_swap’ and click ‘Edit’, set the swap size as 6300MB and hit ‘Ok’

Step 10: Select /home moot point and click ‘Edit, provide size as 2048MB and hit ‘ok’

Step 11: You will create a new mount point /u01, click ‘Add’ and provide mount point as /u01 and hit ‘Ok’

Step 12: You can see Space distribution and hit ‘Ok > Next > Format’

Step 13: Click ‘Write change to disk > next’, choose database server and make sure Oracle Linux Server is checked in additional repositories, select ‘Customize Now > Next’. The package Group Selection screen allows you to select the required package groups, individual packages within the details section

Step 14: Select a package category to show the associated package group in right pane. Customise the server as per below list.

Base System > Base

Base System > Client management tools

Base System > Compatibility libraries

Base System > Hardware monitoring utilities

Base System > Large Systems Performance

Base System > Network file system client

Base System > Performance Tools

Base System > Perl Support

Servers > Server Platform

Servers > System administration tools

Servers > FTP Server

Desktops > Desktop

Desktops > Desktop Platform

Desktops > Fonts

Desktops > General Purpose Desktop

Desktops > Graphical Administration Tools

Desktops > Input Methods

Desktops > X Window System

Applications > Internet Browser

Development > Additional Development

Development > Development Tools

Step 15: Once finished, click ‘Next’. The installer display a status bar that shows the progress of package installation along with name of each package that is being installed. Once installed, restart your system

Step 16: After restart, click ‘Forward > Accept the Agreement > Forward > No > Forward > No Thanks > Forward  > Forward’

Step 17: Create a non-administrative user account and click ‘Forward’, set the Date & time and click ‘Forward’, uncheck ‘Enable kdump’ and click ‘Finish’. The login screen will displayed. Click on ‘Other’, give root as username and click ‘login’ and provide password for root, check ‘Do not show me this again’ if appeared and close it. Done.


I am sure this post helped you on How to Install Oracle Linux on Hyper-V Virtual Machine with several easy steps/methods. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on commented box below.

Samir Prakash Author