How to Mute Subreddits on Reddit

Recently /r/reddit received a post about a tool being implemented that let users mute specific subreddits. Therefore, we are here to discuss more about this feature and how to mute subreddits on reddit.

Once a subreddit is muted using this tool, you will not receive any article regarding that specific community in your alerts, home feed suggestions or Popular, most upvoted content across different communities Reddit’s feed. Mute tool is still in its initial phase and Reddit has promised to expand the feature more and in addition sections like “Discovery” and “All”.

There are several subreddits that frequently appears on Popular section having annoying and obnoxious content and this is the reason why so many users like you and me stopped visiting Popular section. One of the reasons why this happen most of time is because Popular is designed to show high performing content from a very vast range of communities and interests.

This remodelling works on the problem and invites users to use Popular feed more frequently. Currently in Mute settings you can include up to 1000 communities in the muted list and make changes to them at any time without any restrictions.

The introduction of the new muting option is available on iOS and Android applications. This is very unfortunate for those users who are using web or Desktop version of Reddit on their device. Even so they have made clear that the new muting option will available on these platforms really soon. The whole rollouts plan is obtainable on Reddit’s changelog feed which is also accessible from announcement article link.

How to Use Mute Tool in Reddit?

According to Reddit’s helps center these are the instructions require to use mute tool and block content from communities and subreddit from appearing on your alert or home page feed.

  • Mute Community from Popular or Home Feed: Tap on three dots icon on the post you want to mute and choose Mute r/*name of community*
  • Mute Community from Community Page: Visit the community you want to mute and tap on three dots icon. Now select Mute
  • Mute Community from Recommendation Feed: Go to the community to want to mute then tap on three dots…” and choose Show fewer posts like this You will be asked to choose between two preferences This individual post or Post from this community. Addition option to mute the community will also be available.
  • Manage Muted Communities from Settings: Move to Account Settings and look for Blocking and Permissions Here you will have the option to manage muted communities.


Being able to mute a particular community is one of the most awaited feature which many where looking for and they some users finally received what they were looking for. Due to this, we have dedicated this whole article regarding the mute subreddit feature and how to mute subreddits on reddit. Therefore read till the end to find the more about the feature and how it is a very good addition to Reddit.

Samir Prakash Author