Fix Device Descriptor request failed code 43 error in Windows 10


Imagine this scenario: You’ve just purchased a brand-new external hard drive to store all your important files. You eagerly plug it into your Windows 10 computer, but instead of the expected smooth experience, you’re greeted with a baffling error message: “Device Descriptor Request Failed (Code 43).” Your excitement quickly turns into frustration as you wonder what went wrong.

In today’s digital age, such issues can be incredibly frustrating and disruptive, whether you’re a professional trying to meet a deadline or a student working on a critical assignment. However, fear not, because in this article, we’ll delve deep into the Device Descriptor Request Failed error, explore its possible causes, and provide comprehensive solutions to help you get your devices back up and running seamlessly on your Windows 10 system.

Understanding the Code 43 Error

Before we jump into the solutions, let’s demystify the Code 43 error. This error is part of the Windows Device Manager, a crucial tool for managing hardware devices. When you see a device labeled with Code 43 in Device Manager, it means that Windows has detected a problem with the device and has disabled it to prevent further issues.

Common Error Codes: A Brief Overview

Before we focus on Code 43, it’s essential to understand that Device Manager can display various error codes, each indicating different issues. Here are a few common error codes:

  1. Code 10: This indicates a failed or incomplete installation of a device.
  2. Code 28: This error means that the required drivers for the device are not installed.
  3. Code 31: It signifies that Windows cannot load the necessary drivers for the device.

Now, let’s dive into the potential reasons behind the Device Descriptor Request Failed (Code 43) error.

Possible Causes of the Code 43 Error

  1. Faulty Hardware: The external device itself may be malfunctioning or damaged.
  2. Outdated or Corrupted Drivers: Incompatible or corrupted drivers can cause this error.
  3. USB Port Issues: Problems with the USB port you’re using can lead to this error.
  4. Power Supply Problems: Insufficient power supply to the device can trigger Code 43.
  5. Software Conflicts: Conflicts between installed software or drivers can be a root cause.

Now that we’ve identified the potential culprits, let’s explore the various ways to resolve the Device Descriptor Request Failed (Code 43) error.

Solutions for the Code 43 Error

Automatic Steps

  1. Update Drivers: Windows can often resolve driver-related issues automatically. Right-click on the problematic device in Device Manager and select “Update driver.”
  2. Restart Your Computer: A simple restart can sometimes refresh the system and resolve temporary issues.

Manual Steps

  1. Check the Hardware: Ensure that the external device and its cables are in good condition.
  2. Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers: In Device Manager, right-click the problematic device, choose “Uninstall device,” then disconnect and reconnect the device to prompt Windows to reinstall the drivers.
  3. Use a Different USB Port: Sometimes, switching to another USB port can resolve the issue if the problem is with the port itself.
  4. Power Supply: Ensure the device is receiving adequate power, especially for external hard drives or graphics cards.
  5. Software Conflicts: Uninstall recently installed software or drivers that might be causing conflicts.


The Device Descriptor Request Failed (Code 43) error in Windows 10 can be a frustrating roadblock, but armed with the knowledge and solutions provided in this article, you can tackle it effectively. Whether it’s updating drivers, checking hardware, or addressing software conflicts, these steps should help you get your devices back in working order.


  1. What if the error persists after trying all the solutions? If the error persists, consider contacting the device manufacturer for specialized support or seeking assistance from a professional technician.
  2. Can I prevent this error from occurring in the future? To prevent Code 43 errors, regularly update your device drivers, avoid using damaged cables, and ensure your hardware components are in good condition.
  3. Are there any third-party tools that can help resolve this error? While there are third-party driver update tools available, exercise caution when using them, as they may not always provide reliable solutions and can potentially cause more issues. It’s best to rely on built-in Windows tools and official manufacturer resources.
  4. Should I back up my data before attempting these solutions? Yes, it’s advisable to back up your data before attempting any troubleshooting steps, especially if the error involves external storage devices like hard drives or USB flash drives. This ensures that your data remains safe in case of unexpected issues during the troubleshooting process.

Sakshi Anant Author