If I block someone on TikTok will they know I viewed their profile 2023

In our previous blog we have discussed about different icons on TikTok. TikTok provides its users so many features and it takes the complete care of its users. That’s why TikTok offers the option of private account. Using this feature you can make sure that the people who are not in your following list will won’t be able to watch your shared videos. This feature is quite good and gives the users an option to limit their audience.

Tiktok provides another security feature called blocking. This feature is available on all the social networking sites. The blocking feature gives an option to the user if they are not comfortable with another user on the platform or they don’t get good vibes from them they can block them. Once the user blocks someone on TikTok they immediately receive a notification that the blocked user can no longer message you. The account will be added to your blocked list. This simply means they can no longer send you messages. In fact, once you blocked the profile/ account they cannot look up your profile at all.

But the question is if someone gets blocked on TikTok will they know it? Well the answer is No because no one receive notification when they gets blocked on TikTok. They will not be able to view your profile, videos or likes.

Well here in this article we are going to discuss some of the blocking features related queries as we have concluded while going through the forum sites that users are reported such queries on large scale. We have enlisted some of the most frequently registered queries so let’s get started.

You may also read: How to Download Tiktok Video without Watermark Android/IPhone/PC/Telegram

Table of Contents

If I block someone on TikTok will they know I viewed their profile 2023?

If you have blocked someone on TikTok just after viewing their profile they are not going to know. After getting blocked by you they won’t be able to see your profile, videos likes even if they search your name they will not found your name.

But if you visited someone’s profile ad you took too long to block them after you viewed their profile then the user would be able to see that you visited their profile, if you both have Profile Views feature turned on.

So if you have just viewed their account and don’t want them to know about it then you need to block them without delay. And to do the same you can follow the below mention guidelines:

Step 1: Open TikTok app>tap on the Search button by tapping the magnifying glass icon

Step 2: Now search the username of the account you want to block

Step 3: Once you are at their account, tap on the three dots icon in the upper right corner> now tap on Block at the bottom of your screen

Step 4: After that confirm you want to block them by selecting Block again

Note that: If the account you viewed does not have this enabled Profile Views, they will never know you viewed your profile. But unfortunately there is no way to tell if an account has this feature enabled or disabled.

If you block someone on TikTok, can they see your comments?

No once you have blocked a user they can no longer see your comments and likes on other videos. This works the other way around too. You will not be able to see their comments and likes. But if you unblock them then only you can see their past comments.

If you block someone on TikTok can they see old messages?

Yes they can see the old conversations unless it is deleted. But keep in mind that they can only see the old messages but they can’t message you unless you unblocked them.

If you block someone on TikTok can they see your username?

No it is not feasible once you have blocked them on TikTok hey won’t be able to mention your username or tag you. Additionally they won’t be able to get your username if they search it.

If I block someone on TikTok will they see I liked their video?

Once you have block someone on the app, you cannot keep any kind of contact from the blocked account so there’s no point to like or comment their videos.

If you block someone on TikTok can they still follow you?

No once you bloc the user on TikTok there is no way for the user to contact you on the platform.  Blocking a user removes their ability to message you, comment on your posts or even view your profile altogether. So it’s quite obvious they can’t follow you.

How to find out if you have been blocked on TikTok?

As we have earlier discussed TikTok does not notify the user when they are blocked. But there are some ways that you can tell that you have been blocked on the app.

Search for the User

You can try to search for the user in the discover section. If the search does not come up with the account then the chances are they have blocked you. It may also mean that they have deactivated their account.

Look for the Comment Notification

If you have commented on their post then look for the comment notification. Once you found it click the notification to be directed to the post. If you cannot view the post and receives a notification saying ‘You cannot view this user’s videos due to their privacy settings’, that means you have been blocked.

Check your followers list

Well this is the best way to find out if you have been blocked is to check your Followers List. Search for the profile on your Follower list. If they don’t appear it could mean that you have been blocked by them.

That’s all about if I block someone on TikTok will they know I viewed their profile 2023, we have tried to cover multiple queries in this blog, we really hope you liked this article. Thanks for Reading.

Samir Prakash Author