How to Fix Gaming service install error in Windows 10

What is ‘Gaming service install error’ in Windows 10?

If you are facing ‘Gaming service install error’ while trying to download or install Gaming Services from Microsoft Store in Windows 10 computer, then you are in right place for the solution. Here, you will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

Xbox Game Pass: Xbox Game Pass is video game subscription service from Microsoft for use with its Xbox series X/S and Xbox One consoles, Windows 10 and Windows 11 as well as Android and iOS devices via Xbox Cloud Gaming. Xbox Game Pass allows you access to rotating catalog of games from range of publishers and other premium services including Xbox Live Gold and EA Play.

You can access games either via Xbox console or Windows machine once the subscription is purchased. If you want to install games from Xbox Game Pass subscription, you need to ensure that Gaming Services are setup and running via Microsoft Store. However, several users reported that they faced ‘Gaming service install error/ Gaming services won’t install’ issue while they tried to download Gaming Services in Windows 10.

This problem is appeared with some error codes like Error Code 0x80073D26 that prevents you from downloading the game services in Windows 10 computer. Some users reported that they were able to push download to completion stage and only then error is appeared. One possible reason behind this issue can be Microsoft Store or Windows Store issue.

You should make sure Microsoft Store or Windows Store is working is working properly in your computer. Also check if the gaming app for which you are trying to download gaming services, is working properly or not. You can perform app reset in order to clear cache or delete corruption in app in order to fix the issue.

This problem can also be occurred due to conflict between already installed gaming service and the services you are trying to install. It might possible that Windows is assuming that newer version of server is already installed or causes conflict issue. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix Gaming service install error in Windows 10?

Method 1: Fix ‘Gaming service install Error Code 0x80073D26’ with ‘PC Repair Tool’

‘PC Repair Tool’ is easy & quick way to find and fix BSOD errors, EXE errors, DLL errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses issues, system files or registry issues and other system issues with just few clicks. You can get this tool through button/link below.

⇓ Get PC Repair Tool⇓

Method 2: Perform Microsoft Store cache reset

One possible way to fix the issue is to perform Microsoft Store cache reset in Windows 10.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + R’ keys on keyboard, type ‘wsreset.exe’ in ‘Run’ window and hit ‘OK’ button to open ‘WSReset’

Step 2: This will reset Microsoft Store cache. Once done, try downloading gaming services again and check if the error is resolved.

Method 3: Reset Microsoft Store in Windows 10

Corrupted Microsoft Store can be reason behind this error. You can perform Microsoft Store reset in order to fix the issue.

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ App in Windows 10 and go to ‘Apps > Apps & Features’, find and select ‘Microsoft Store’

Step 2: Select ‘Advanced Options’ and click on ‘Terminate’ and then ‘Reset’ button.

Step 3: Once done, retry downloading/installing gaming services in computer and check if the problem is resolved.

Method 4: Run SFC Scan and DISM scan tool in Windows 10

You can run SFC scan to repair system files and DISM scan to repair disk system images in order to fix this problem.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + X’ keys on keyboard and select ‘Command Prompt as Administrator’

Step 2: Run SFC Scan. Type ‘sfc /scannow’ command and hit ‘Enter’ key to execute

Step 3: Once executed, run DISM scan. Type the following commands one-by-one and hit ‘Enter’ key after each to execute

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Step 4: Once executed, restart your computer and check if the error is resolved.

Method 5: Fix Gaming service install error using Registry Editor

You can delete already installed newer version registry and then try downloading gaming services.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + R’ keys on keyboard, type ‘regedit’ in the opened ‘Run’ dialog box and hit ‘Ok’ button to open ‘Registry Editor’

Step 2: In ‘Registry Editor’, in left pane, navigate to following path.


Step 3: In left pane, find ‘GamingServices’ and ‘GamingServicesNet’ key. Right-click on each and select ‘Delete’ to delete key

Step 4: Once done, restart your computer and check if the problem is resolved.

Method 6: Run ‘Windows Store Apps’ troubleshooter in Windows 10

Windows 10 build-in ‘Windows Store Apps’ troubleshooter can resolve the issue. Let’s try.

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ App in Windows 10 and go to ‘Update & Security > Troubleshoot’

Step 2: In right pane, click on ‘Additional Troubleshooters’, find and select ‘Microsoft Store Apps’ troubleshooter, and click on ‘Run the troubleshooter’ button. Follow on-screen instructions to finish troubleshooting

Step 3: Once done, please check if the error is resolved.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix Gaming service install Error Code 0x80073D26 in Windows 10 with several easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.

Sakshi Anant Author