How to know who is muting in Microsoft Teams (Solved)

In our previous blogs we have discussed about Microsoft Teams Outbound Calls not working &Microsoft Teams Failed to Extract Installer. In this particular blog we will discuss one of the most common topics but it may leads to an irritating situation so without wasting time let me introduce you today’s topic and that is How to know who is muting in Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams has proved its worth at the time of pandemic. The application is mostly used by working professionals or by the educational institutions when we were not allowed to go outside our homes. Since we all know that MS Teams provides so many features. Among  all the features , it offers a feature to its users called “Mute” which plays a vital role in a conversation.

What is the need to Mute Someone on a Ongoing Meeting or Call?

In a face to face ongoing conversation, the voice is not the centre of attraction we focus on the entire personality of the person who is speaking but when we are on a call then our voice is the only centre of attraction and when the voice keeps breaking or getting disturbed by another noise in the middle of the conversation, it is damn irritating. So Microsoft Teams offers an option of muting to avoid such disturbance on an ongoing call. But sometimes muting option is used for doing monkey business or it is done with the attendees who are probably rude or not following the rules or may be a disturbing element.

But when we get muted by someone else on a con call due to any reason or for no reason we get curious to know that who is muting in Microsoft Teams. We want to find out immediately but sadly presently MS Teams have not provided any options to see that who muted you. So hopefully in future MS Teams may provide this feature also. But we have enlisted few angles of muting system. You may check.

So let’s find out the different angles of Muting system.

In Microsoft Teams only the Presenters can mute the attendees. Here we need to know that one presenter can mute another presenter. So if any presenter has been muted by another then they may ask their co-presenters to unmute them.

Another fact of Muting System is the Meeting Participants  may mute themselves but they are not allowed to mute their co-attendees.  Additionally, each and everyone is free to unmute themselves, if they have muted themselves or anyone has muted them intentionally or unintentionally. But here we need to pay heed; attendees cannot unmute themselves if the presenters have hard muted everyone.

Frequently Asked Queries….

What is Hard Mute Everyone?

As we have earlier discussed that Presenters can mute anyone and they have another option and that is Hard Mute. If a presenter has enabled hard mute then no meeting particulates can unmute themselves until the presenter didn’t disabled the option.

How to check who removed you from Microsoft Teams?

Sadly there is no way to know who removed you from the Microsoft Teams meetings or call; you will be only notified that someone has removed you from the meeting or call.

That’s all about How to know who is muting in Microsoft Teams. I hope that the article was helpful as well as informative for you.

Apart from this, if you have further queries or concerns, please feel free to write us on our Facebook and Twitter Page. Thanks for your time.

Sakshi Anant Author